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Styling Alert controls in Flex using the StyleManager class and setStyle() methods import mx.controls.Alert; import mx.styles.StyleManager; private var alert:Alert; private var alertCSS:CSSStyleDeclaration; private function init():void { alertCSS = StyleManager.getStyleDeclaration("Alert"); } private function showAlert(color:Object):void { alertCSS.setStyle("modalTransparencyColor", color); alertCSS.setStyle("themeColor", color); alert = Alert.show("The quick brown fox"); } ]]>
Animating a Flex PieChart control’s rotation when a user clicks on an item import mx.effects.easing.*; import mx.charts.series.items.PieSeriesItem; import mx.charts.events.ChartItemEvent; private function pieChart_itemClick(evt:ChartItemEvent):void { var item:PieSeriesItem = evt.hitData.chartItem as PieSeriesItem; var degrees:Number = radiansToDegrees(item.startAngle); var arr:Array = []; if (checkBox.selected) { arr[item.index] = 0.2; } pieSeries.perWedgeExplodeRadius..
Pixelizer using BitmapData Class I am trying to recreate the Pixelizer plugin by Joe's Filters. This will be a work-in-progress. I'm planning to include several things into this class like different shapes for the block, color averaging, blur effect, random rotation, jitter, etc. Download the source here.
Drag n’ Drop in AS3 I used to teach drag-n-drop funtionality using startDrag() and stopDrag() MovieClip methods. This is the easiest and fastest way but it tends to be choppy when the framerate is low. To solve this problem, you should employ MOUSE_MOVE event as shown in this tutorial by Flash and Math. Their tutorial is great and I'll use their concept in this article. But I don't want the draggable object to snap..
Google Maps + Flex (Basic) Since the release of Google Maps API for Flash, I wanted to start incorporating this free service in my apps as I've seen a lot of good examples being built around. One thing to take note is this ActionScript API will only work in Flex and not in your usual Flash app. Google API Key Before you can even start coding, you need sign up for an API key so you can use their free service. Get the key h..
Chart Label Rotation @font-face { fontFamily: myFont; src: local("Verdana"); } LineChart { fontFamily: myFont; }
RotateEffectsDemo.mxml [Bindable] public var angle:int=0; private function rotateImage() : void { angle += 45; rotate.play(); }
Url http://blogs.adobe.com/aharui/ http://dougmccune.com/blog/category/flexlib/ http://blog.daum.net/hi_ujin/15648566 http://www.zhuoqun.net/ko/html/ytag/demo/ http://www.zhuoqun.net/ko/html/ytag/demo/page/2/ http://flex.org/showcase/drupal/showcase/best4c-online-diagram http://www.communitymx.com/content/article.cfm?page=7&cid=0A055 http://npramesh.wordpress.com/2008/05/22/flex-tutorial-demo-link/ ..