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PostgreSQL/PPAS 9.0

How do I find the PID of the session I want to kill?

How do I find the PID of the session I want to kill?

To find out the PID of the current session, run

SELECT pg_backend_pid();

but of course you cannot kill that one with this function.

This query lists the PIDs of currently active processes, and the SQL commands they are running:

 SELECT procpid, current_query FROM pg_stat_activity;
 procpid |                    current_query                     
    2033 | <IDLE>
    2478 | select procpid, current_query from pg_stat_activity;
(2 rows)

You can also try using your operating system's process listing:

$ ps feu -C postmaster -C postgres
postgres  1402  0.0  0.2  63748  4960 pts/8    S    20:05   0:00 postmaster PGDATA=/pgsql/install/83
postgres  1409  0.0  0.0  63748  1272 ?        Ss   20:05   0:00  \_ postgres: writer process                                
postgres  1410  0.0  0.0  63748  1076 ?        Ss   20:05   0:00  \_ postgres: wal writer process                            
postgres  1411  0.0  0.0  63884  1508 ?        Ss   20:05   0:00  \_ postgres: autovacuum launcher process                   
postgres  1412  0.0  0.0  34240  1196 ?        Ss   20:05   0:00  \_ postgres: stats collector process                       
postgres  2033  0.0  0.2  65236  5768 ?        Ss   20:12   0:00  \_ postgres: postgres postgres [local] idle idle