DB/__Oracle oracle sql reference alter javamix 2010. 6. 11. 09:58 http://www.adp-gmbh.ch/ora/sql/ Oracle SQL alter database alter index alter session alter system alter table alter tablespace alter user analyze table ascii asciistr audit avg bitand bfilename case when If some sort of if then else logic must be implemented in SQL cast chr ceil comment commit To store changes made within a transaction concat connect_by For hierarchical queries. convert tablespace consecutive range count create context create index create materialized view create profile create role create sequence create synonym create table create tablespace create trigger create type create user create view cv cursor date literal dbtimezone decode delete dups diff tables distinct drop drop type existsNode() explain plan extract extractValue() exp flashback table flat hierarchy floor from_tz get most actual row grant greatest group by group by rollup grouping grouping_id hierarchy insert all inline view update initcap instr least length like lnnvl log lower ltrim lpad merge mintrans maxtrans multiset new_time nanvl nls_charset_id nlssort nls_initcap nls_upper nls_lower nvl nvl2 order by outer join q'X ... X' (Oracle's quote operator) renaming replace revoke rollback rpad round rtrim same data for 8 mins savepoint set constraints set transaction select sign soundex substr sum adjacent sys connect by path sys_context sys_refcursor sys_xmlagg table() to_char to_nchar to_date to_number to_single_byte translate trim trunc truncate tz_offset updateXML upper userenv vsize with XMLElement XMLForest XMLQuery XMLSerialize XMLSequence Mathematical acos asin cos cosh ln power sin sinh sqrt Date related add_months last_day months_between next_day Analytical Functions Analytical Functions Select and subquery Select and Subquery Shorties SQL Shorties Emulating a table with sql cast and table Aggregate functions Aggregate functions allow to group "equal rows" in a result set and to do some (mostly mathematical) operations on a column of this group. User defined aggregate functions in 9i User defined Aggregate functions in 9i NULLs and boolean operators NULLs and boolean operators insert into x returning y Insert into x returning y hints Hints Model Clause Model clause is an extension in 10g. Regular Expressions Regular expressions are definitely going to be very cool. Validating SQL 92 This SQL validator can obviousy be used to check if an SQL statement is valid SQL-92 according to the standard. I haven't checked it out yet, though. Misc Pseudo columns Reserved words in Oracle SQL. Thanks Thanks to Prasad Godavarthi and Philippe Antoine who each pointed out a wrong links on this page. Thanks also to Olivier Holl who notified me of a typo on this page. 공유하기 게시글 관리 김상훈 - DBA & TUNING & Developer 'DB/__Oracle' Related Articles 오라클 튜닝 & 유지보수 관련정리 Expert Oracle Practices Oracle Database Administration from the Oak Table Oracle Iink [CREATE DATABASE] 오라클 DB 수동생성