출처 : http://www.openscg.com/2014/05/trigger-overhead-part-2/
I found a bit more time dig into timing of triggers and their overhead so I wanted to see how much overhead the choice of procedural language affected performance. I followed the same testing methodology from my original trigger test. For this test I created an empty trigger in the following languages:
CREATE FUNCTION empty_trigger() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN RETURN NEW; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
#include "postgres.h" #include "commands/trigger.h" PG_MODULE_MAGIC; Datum empty_c_trigger(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(empty_c_trigger); Datum empty_c_trigger(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { TriggerData *tg; HeapTuple ret; tg = (TriggerData *) (fcinfo->context); if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_UPDATE(tg->tg_event)) ret = tg->tg_newtuple; else ret = tg->tg_trigtuple; return PointerGetDatum(ret); }
CREATE FUNCTION empty_python_trigger() RETURNS trigger AS $$ return $$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
CREATE FUNCTION empty_perl_trigger() RETURNS trigger AS $$ return; $$ LANGUAGE plperl;
CREATE FUNCTION empty_tcl_trigger() RETURNS trigger AS $$ return [array get NEW] $$ LANGUAGE pltcl;
package org.postgresql.pljava; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.ResultSet; import org.postgresql.pljava.TriggerData; import org.postgresql.pljava.TriggerException; public class TriggerTest { static void test(TriggerData td) throws SQLException { ResultSet _new = td.getNew(); } }
CREATE FUNCTION empty_v8_trigger() RETURNS trigger AS $$ return NEW; $$ LANGUAGE plv8;
CREATE FUNCTION empty_r_trigger() RETURNS trigger AS $$ return(pg.tg.new) $$ LANGUAGE plr;
All of the triggers essentially return NEW so we’re basically measuring the overhead starting up the trigger function. I then timed inserting 100,000 rows with the triggers in place and compared them to inserting into a table without a trigger. Some of the timings that I found were obvious such as C being the fastest, but others were pretty surprising.
Some of the bigger things that I noticed that out of the 3 built-in higher level languages, Python has much less overhead than Perl and TCL.
The other notable point was how little overhead PL/Java had compared to the other languages. PL/Java only had more overhead than C, PL/pgSQL and PL/Python.
The moral of the story is that when writing triggers some choices matter a lot. If you’re writing a simple trigger that just ensures a column equals the current timestamp, don’t write in PL/v8 just because it cool. Use PL/pgSQL for the simple things and save the other languages for your more complex logic where the overhead of starting them up won’t be noticed.