PostgreSQL (14) 썸네일형 리스트형 Installing Psycopg2 python psycopg2========================================================================================Installing Psycopg2 ========================================================================================wget xvfz psycopg2-latest.tar.gzmv psycopg2-2.4.6 /usr/local/srccd psycopg2-2.4.6/python install [root@kkk psycopg.. PostgreSQL 9.0 Architecture PostgreSQL 9.0 Architecture Its my pleasure to be here, publishing my first blog on PostgreSQL Architecture. For a quite sometime, am working, learning the vast and most happening Database PostgreSQL. As a beginner,thought of giving a try to represent PostgreSQL Architecture in pictorial format. PostgreSQL Architecture includes sevaral things memory,process and storage file system, it is complex.. PostgreSQL 9.0 Memory & Processes PostgreSQL 9.0 Memory & Processes Going forward with PostgreSQL Architecture, here I would be discussing about the utility process and memory with informative links. Many of the commiters have already documented insightfully about the process and memory, links provided here for those. Modest presentation from my end about the PostgreSQL Utility Process. Every PostgreSQL Instance startup, there w.. PostgreSQL Point-in-time Recovery (Incremental Backup) PostgreSQL “Point-in-time Recovery” (PITR) also called as incremental database backup , online backup or may be archive backup. The PostgreSQL server records all users’ data modification transaction like insert, update or delete and write it into a file call write-ahead (WAL) log file. This mechanism use the history records stored in WAL file to do roll-forward changes made since last database f.. Create PostgreSQL Table Partitioning (Part 1) Five easy steps how to make a partitioned table in Postgresql Create master table Create child tables without overlapping table constraints Create indexes Create trigger function to inserting data to child tables Enable constraint exclusion Simple example of PostgreSQL table partitioningThe initial situation is such that we should make the database table, which is able to archive your data to ad.. How do I find the PID of the session I want to kill? How do I find the PID of the session I want to kill?To find out the PID of the current session, run SELECT pg_backend_pid(); but of course you cannot kill that one with this function. This query lists the PIDs of currently active processes, and the SQL commands they are running: SELECT procpid, current_query FROM pg_stat_activity; procpid | current_query ---------+-------------------------------.. 이전 1 2 다음